Beyond Six Sigma: Agile/Lean/Scrum/Xp/Kanban for physical manufacturing – building a 100 MPG road car in 3 months
Presented by Joe Justice, a Seattle area lean software consultant and entrepreneur.
Our September speaker, Joe Justice, presented an experience report about Taking on the Progressive Insurance Automotive X Prize using Lean software techniques – this report included how Joe and his team did it, pictures and information about the car, the methods, methodology, and secrets, questions and next steps, and the future of this approach.
About our speaker: Joe Justice, a Seattle area lean software consultant and entrepreneur, ported lean software practices back to manufacturing in order to compete in the Progressive Insurance Automotive X Prize, a $10,000,000.00 race for 100 MPG cars built to road legal requirements. Joe will walk through the take-aways, wins, and lessons learned when building a ultra-fuel-efficient hyper car using TDD, Scrum, and pair development.