March 2012 QASIG Meeting

The Science of Being Happy and Productive at Work

Presented by: Scott Crabtree

Grounded in solid scientific data, this award winning presentation delivers steps everyone can act on to be happier on the job. Various studies show that happier people are more productive, creative, insightful, engaged, resilient, healthy, and more. This presentation covers dozens of techniques to increase job happiness, organized around themes of goals, relationships, and attitude.

About our speaker:

Scott Crabtree earned a B.A. in Cognitive Science from Vassar College in 1988. Immediately afterward he worked on artificial intelligence software including expert systems. He started working at the first of several game development companies in 1996. Serving as a Software Engineer, Game Designer, Producer, and Entrepreneur, Scott is proud to have worked on game development with companies including Microsoft, Mattel, Disney, LEGO, Nike and more. He’s published games for PS2, Xbox, PC, and mobile phones including the iPhone. He joined Intel in 2005 as an Engineering Manager focused on video game developers. He is currently Tech Strategist for the Intel Atom Developer Program. He is fascinated by and passionately studies organizational development, human psychology, neuroscience, and the science of happiness and well-being.

While happier than he used to be, Scott is NOT one of those over-the-top always bubbly happy people that can be so annoying to the rest of us! 🙂 Scott lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, young daughter, and mutt. He loves spending time with them, especially in nature, and also enjoys playing with his band Mister Fisk.

Please see Scott Crabtree’s Website for more information and to contact him for slides or with questions:

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