January 2018 QASIG Meeting

Adventures in Modern Testing

Presented by: Alan Page, Director of Quality for Services at Unity Technologies

Alan’s Slide Deck

Software testing has always been changing and evolving; but the changes, advancements, improvements, and shifts in the last few years feel much bigger to many of us.Depending on your context, these changes may be massive – or they may be trivial; but the path forward for software quality is clear, and relying on what many of us learned in the 1990s just isn’t going to help us anymore.

Independent test teams are fading in favour of testers embedded into the development team. Large portions of automation are now owned by developers. Data analysis and monitoring are taking on a prevalent role. Technical skills well beyond writing code are becoming critical knowledge. Coaching is becoming a more important skill. The scope and breadth of test and quality roles are requiring more and more expertise and depth of knowledge.

Alan Page has led (and is leading) teams through transformation to modern, advanced testing. In an interactive talk filled with experiences, anecdotes, and practical examples – as well as warnings about potential traps, he shares everything he knows (or at least everything he can fit into this session) about modern testing and what it means to every software tester.

About our speaker: Alan Page has been a software tester for over 25 years, and is currently the Director of Quality for Services at Unity Technologies. Previous to Unity, Alan spent 22 years at Microsoft working on projects spanning the company – including a two year position as Microsoft’s Director of Test Excellence.

Alan was the lead author of the book “How We Test Software at Microsoft”, contributed chapters for “Beautiful Testing”, and “Experiences of Test Automation: Case Studies of Software Test Automation”. His latest ebook (which may or may not be updated soon) is a collection of essays on test automation called “The A Word: Under the Covers of Test Automation”, and is available on leanpub.

Alan also writes on his blog (https://angryweasel.com/blog), podcasts (https://angryweasel.com/ABTesting), and shares shorter thoughts on twitter (@alanpage).

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