May 2018 QASIG Meeting Video – Blockchain Overview and Discussion

Blockchain Overview Slide Deck

Blockchain Technology Overview and Discussion

Presented by Jim Frazier & Parke Blake, Quardev

Jim Frazier, one of Quardev’s Business Development Managers and self-confessed tech geek, and Parke Blake, Senior Test Lead, will provide a brief history of Blockchain technology: what it is, what it isn’t, where it is being used today and a discussion about where it might be going in the future.

Being firmly rooted in the technology sector, we at Quardev are always curious about exploring the latest trends in technology, and in finding solutions to help our clients leverage that technology to stay ahead in this rapidly changing environment, which is IT.

Please join us for a casual evening at our office for this month’s edition of the QASIG as we explore where Blockchain is today, and where it might be going tomorrow.


Blockchain technology is poised to disrupt the software industry as we’ve come to know it, and some go so far as to say, it will ultimately make for a bigger change than the Internet. These are the very early days in blockchain technology development, and the many ways in which it may be employed is as unknown to us today as the Internet was in the early Nineties. In this discussion, we’ll take a look at what blockchain technology provides, why it is important, and also provide an overview of how it works. We’ll also look at some interesting examples of how the technology is currently being employed, and hopefully, stimulate a discussion with the audience on what some key testing concerns might be.

There are few who can be called experts in blockchain technology, and we make no such claims, but we are excited to learn more about this important, emerging technology and happy to share what we’ve found so far. It is our hope that this talk will stimulate you to explore further on your own, and possibly, return one day with thoughts of your own.

About our speakers:

Parke is a software professional with over 25 years of experience in the industry. He has been recognized for strong problem solving and leadership skills in many areas of the software lifecycle, including programming, software testing, and QA Management. He has worked at Quardev for over 8 years, working as a Senior Test Lead and advising clients on several key projects. His work has included test planning, test case development, metrics analysis and reporting, and QA process recommendations. In addition, Parke has performed work as an SDET for Quardev, working on both front-end and back-end test case automation in C#, and using both standard and custom automation frameworks.

Jim is one of Quardev’s Business Development Managers and self-confessed tech geek and an 18-year veteran in supporting the IT Consulting Community in the Seattle market. He says that one of his favorite things about the industry is that he has been able to work with so many of the same clients year after year as their businesses have grown, all while keeping his eye on the latest trends and emerging technologies in this dynamic environment.

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