July 2020 QASIG Virtual Recap – Jim Frazier, Lightning Talks

Jim Frazier – How Companies are “Opening Up”

Jim, Business Development Manager with Quardev, will share some insights on what going back to work looks like from an office/collaboration perspective, including a snapshot of how a range of clients are planning their reopening strategies, ideas for successfully engaging with clients remotely, and tips for adapting to client-specific safe distancing practices.

About our Speaker: Jim is a Business development manager at Quardev, Jim is a 20-year veteran in supporting the IT Consulting Community in the Seattle market. One of his favorite things about the industry is that he has been able to work with so many of the same clients year after year as their businesses have grown, all while keeping his eye on the latest trends and emerging technologies in this dynamic environment. Jim is a native Washingtonian, who after having had the chance to cover most of the USA in a BDM capacity, says that there is nowhere he would rather work and live than the Pacific Northwest. An avid outdoorsman, you will almost always find him pursuing one of his many outdoor activities with family and friends when he is not in the office.

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