I keep hearing about automation. But when testers describe automation to me, it always seems to be the same kind of thing: a simulated user. It’s like if people advocating for nutrition only talked about carrots. Carrot juice, carrot sticks, boiled carrots, baby carrots, carrots on a string, carrot salad, carrot cake… Eventually, you have to wonder about what they teach in nutrition classes.
For the record, I think carrots are okay (though I don’t recommend GUI-level carrots).
But other kinds of automation are helpful, too. And we don’t hear much about that. In this talk, I will show you a few things I do with tools that I’m surprised are not mainstream.
About our speaker: James Bach, Consulting Software Tester at Satisifice, celebrated 34 years in the testing industry last year. He’s the creator of Rapid Software Testing methodology and is the author of Lessons Learned in Software Testing and Secrets of a Buccaneer-Scholar: Self-Education and the Pursuit of Passion.