May 2021 Virtual QASIG: Exploratory Test Automation

“Exploratory Test Automation” (ETA) may sound strange or even self-contradictory, but the idea is not new. In fact, if you have ever used a fuzzer or a ‘monkey’ program to type in random strings looking for crashes in an application, you were using a type of exploratory test automation. In the past 20 years, ETA...

November 2020 Virtual QASIG – Teaching Testing To Programmers

Teaching Testing To Programmers. What Sticks, And What Slides Off? A Journey From Teflon To Velcro. Presented by Rob Sabourin and Monica Wodzislawski Fresh from PNSQC in Portland, Rob Sabourin, and McGill University, Montreal, Canada, and Mónica Wodzislawski, Centro Ensayos de Software (Software Testing Center), Uruguay and Universidad del la Republica (University of the...

September 2020 QASIG Virtual Recap

The Changing Role of Testing in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Quantum Computing See the slides/resources here.  How do you test a system that answers a question for which no previous answer exists? The world of non-deterministic computing poses significant challenges to traditional software testing. This talk examines the role of testing and quality in...

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