July QASIG – BBQ & Lightning Talks

Date(s) - 07/11/2018
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

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Join us on July 11th for an informal BBQ & Lightning Talks!

We will be hosting a community BBQ with networking along with 4-5 Lightning Talks.

QA Management vs. Scrum Masters, Don Williams

Don has 33 years in SWQA, 8 as an engineer and 25 in management. He’s worked on a broad range of projects including a handheld data transfer device with embedded code, multi-million dollar medical imaging device, award-winning shrink wrap consumer software and some the largest websites in the world.

A Framework for Test Coverage, Khan Klatt

Khan Klatt is a Director of Engineering at McGraw-Hill Engineering, leading the company’s Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery strategy. Khan joined McGraw-Hill Education in 2014, previously having worked in entertainment/gaming and social media startups local to Seattle. Khan built high-performance, highly-scalable APIs used by television game shows, web scraping/crawling, and content ranking algorithms, as well as a social media platform that scaled to 50M users in the early 2000’s.


We’ll be adding details about additional speakers over the next couple weeks but RSVP for this fun event soon.

Also, we have 1 or 2 additional spots for Lightning speakers – if you have something QA focused you’d like to present in 5 minutes let us know!



This event is fully booked.

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