September 2024 QASIG: Testing is Activities, Not Artifacts
We were excited to welcome Caleb Crandall to join our host Jon Bach for a 1 on 1 podcast-style interview. Caleb Crandall is a Developer who decided to move into Testing and found it not to be rote and boring, but a skilled profession of craftsmanship and critical thinking. He makes a case for specialists...
May QASIG: Quagileology: Where Quality, Agile, and Psychology Meet
March QASIG Meeting: Test Strategy: Approach, Scope, Coverage, Tooling, Measures, Puzzle Pieces, Politics
November 2023 QASIG – Signals-based Testing
June 2023 QASIG Video – Teaching Software Quality to Students vs. Execs
Many say there’s a difference between Academia and “The Real World,” but when it comes to software development, the mechanics are the same – writing code, problem-solving, testing, principles of continuous deployment and integration – each has to happen whether it’s an academic or business setting. However, there are some important nuances in both domains....
So, Now What? Your skills in times of emerging AI and layoffs
The climate in Tech is trending around job security. “The Great Resignation” and “Quiet Quitting” where workers were confident and safe in their market value might be giving way to a basic survival mindset in light of recent AI implementations and corporate layoffs. In this panel, Rob Sabourin, a McGill University Software Engineering professor, and...
September 2022 QASIG: Mental Fitness is the X-Factor with Julie Wong
May 2022 QASIG: Significance over Success with Mike Lyles
What does success look like to you? When you think about someone being successful, what comes to your mind? It’s very likely you have someone in mind already by just hearing the question. What does “significance” mean to you? And who comes to mind when you hear that word? John Maxwell said, “Once you’ve tasted...
March 2022 QASIG: AIRSHIP Drone Platform And Quality Testing With Ben Berry
January 2022 QASIG: A Rote Less Traveled with James Bach
I keep hearing about automation. But when testers describe automation to me, it always seems to be the same kind of thing: a simulated user. It’s like if people advocating for nutrition only talked about carrots. Carrot juice, carrot sticks, boiled carrots, baby carrots, carrots on a string, carrot salad, carrot cake… Eventually, you have...